Source code for dmsky.density

#!/usr/bin/env python


Density profiles need to be set by:

1) rhos and rs
2) Integrated J-factor at a given radius and scale radius
3) Ingegrated J-factor only (need to approximate scale radius)

It would be good to generalize profile shapes, i.e., following the prescription of Zhou (1996).

Careful `rhos` is a normalization parameter and is *NOT* the same as rho(rs).


from collections import OrderedDict as odict

import numpy as np
import scipy.special as spfn

from pymodeler.model import Model
from pymodeler.parameter import Parameter, Derived

from dmsky.utils.units import Units

[docs]class DensityProfile(Model): """Am abstract base class for DM density profiles At a minimum sub-classes need to implement the self._rho(r) method to compute the density as a function of radius from the center of the halo """ _params = odict([ ('rs', Parameter(default=1.0)), ('rhos', Parameter(default=1.0)), ('rmin', Parameter(default=0.0)), ('rmax', Parameter(default=np.inf)), ('rhomax', Parameter(default=np.inf)), ('covar', Derived(dtype=np.ndarray, help='Covariance matrix for parameters')), ]) def __call__(self, r): """Return the density for given radii. Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.array` or float The radii Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input radii """ return self.rho(r) @property def deriv_params(self): """Return the list of paramters we can take derivatives w.r.t. """ return ["rs", "rhos"]
[docs] def rho(self, r): """Return the density for given radii. Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.array` or float The radii Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input radii """ scalar = np.isscalar(r) r = np.atleast_1d(r) rho = self._rho(r) if self.rmin: rho[r < self.rmin] = self._rho(self.rmin) if self.rmax: rho[r > self.rmax] = 0 if self.rhomax: rho[rho > self.rhomax] = self.rhomax if scalar: return np.ndarray.item(rho) return rho
[docs] def rho_deriv(self, r, paramNames): """Return the derivatives of the density as a function of radius, w.r.t. a list of parameters Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.array` or float The radii paramNames : list The names of the parameters to differentiation w.r.t. Returns ------- matrix : `numpy.array` An n x m array, where: n is the number of radii m is the number of parameters """ initParVals = np.array([self.__getattr__(pName) for pName in paramNames]) deltaParVals = initParVals * 0.001 init_r = self._rho(r) mask = np.invert(np.isfinite(init_r)) if mask.any(): raise ValueError('Tried to get dervatives for infinte rho') derivs = [] # loop over parameters and take the numerical derivatives for initPar, deltaPar, parName in zip(initParVals, deltaParVals, paramNames): par = self.getp(parName) newParVal = initPar + deltaPar par.set_value(newParVal) new_r = self._rho(r) dr_dp = (new_r - init_r) / (newParVal - initPar) derivs.append(dr_dp) par.set_value(initPar) ret = np.vstack(derivs) return ret
[docs] def rho_uncertainty(self, r): """Calculate the uncertainty of the density at given radii Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.array` or float The radii Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input radii """ cov_mat = self.covar if np.isscalar(r): nr = 1 deriv_vect = np.matrix(self.rho_deriv(r, self.deriv_params)) err2 = (deriv_vect.T * cov_mat * deriv_vect)[0, 0] else: nr = len(r) err2 = np.zeros((nr)) for i, r_i in enumerate(r): deriv_vect = np.matrix(self.rho_deriv(r_i, self.deriv_params)) err2[i] = deriv_vect * cov_mat * deriv_vect.T return np.sqrt(err2)
def _rho(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to return the density at given radii """ raise NotImplementedError("%s._rho not implemented" % (self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def mass(self, r=None): """Compute the mass of the object out to a particular radius. Parameters ---------- r : `numpy.array` or float The radii Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input radii """ if r is None: r = self.rmax scalar = np.isscalar(r) r = np.atleast_1d(r) mass = self._mass(r) if scalar: return mass[0] return mass
def _mass(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to compute the mass at given radii """ raise NotImplementedError("%s._mass not implemented" % (self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def set_rho_r(self, rho, r): """Fix the density normalization at a given radius. Parameters ---------- rho : float The normalization density r : float The corresponding radius """ rhor = self._rho(r) rhos = self.getp('rhos') rhos *= (rho / rhor)
[docs] def set_mvir_c(self, mvir, c): """Fix the mass inside the virial radius. Parameters ---------- mvir : float The virial radius c : float Scale factor """ rhoc = 9.9E-30 * Units.g_cm3 rvir = np.power(mvir * 3.0 / (177.7 * 4 * np.pi * rhoc * 0.27), 1. / 3.) rs_val = rvir / c self.setp('rs', value=rs_val) mrvir = self.mass(rvir) rhos = self.getp('rhos') rhos *= mvir / mrvir
def _covar(self): """Default implementation of covariance matrix, This just uses the parameter errors and ignores the off-diagonal terms Returns ------- covs : `numpy.array` n x n matrix, where n is the number of differentiable parameters """ npar = len(self.deriv_params) m = np.matrix(np.zeros((npar, npar))) for i, pname in enumerate(self.deriv_params): par_err = self.getp(pname).symmetric_error m[i, i] = par_err * par_err return m def _cache(self, name=None): """Cache any `Derived` paramters that are slow to compute """ pass
[docs]class UniformProfile(DensityProfile): """ Uniform spherical profile rho(r) = rhos for r <= rs rho(r) = 0 otherwise """ def _rho(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to return the density at given radii """ x = r / return np.where(x <= 1, self.rhos, 0.0) def _mass(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to compute the mass at at given radii """ return 4 * np.pi / 3 * self.rhos * np.where(r <, r**3,**3)
[docs]class IsothermalProfile(DensityProfile): """ Non-Singular Isothermal Profile: Begeman et al. MNRAS 249, 523 (1991) rho(r) = rhos/(1+(r/rs))**2 """ def _rho(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to return the density at given radii """ x = r / return self.rhos * (1 + x)**(-2) def _mass(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to compute the mass at at given radii """ x = r / return x - (x + 1)**-1 - 2 * np.log(x + 1)
[docs]class BurkertProfile(DensityProfile): """Burkert ApJ 447, L25 (1995) [Eqn. 2] rho(r) = rho0 * r0**3 / ( (r + r0)*(r**2+r0**2) ) ==> rho(r) = rhos / ( (1+r/rs)*(1+(r/rs)**2) ) """ def _rho(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to return the density at given radii """ x = r / return self.rhos * ((1 + x) * (1 + x**2))**(-1) def _mass(self, r): """Compute the mass out to given radii analytically """ x = r / return np.pi * self.rhos * (np.log(x**2 + 1) + 2 * np.log(x + 1) - 2 * np.arctan(x))
[docs]class NFWProfile(DensityProfile): """Navarro, Frenk, and White, ApJ 462, 563 (1996) rho(r) = rhos / ((r/rs) * (1+r/rs)**2) """ # def set_jval(self,jval,rs,dist): # rhos = np.sqrt(3./(4.*np.pi)*jval*dist**2/rs**3) # = rs # self.rhos = rhos def _mass(self, r): """Compute the mass out to given radii analytically """ x = r / return 4 * np.pi * self.rhos ***3 * (np.log(1 + x) - x / (1 + x))
[docs] def jvalue_fast(self, r=None): """Fast integrated J-factor computation """ if r is None: r = self.rmax x = r / return (4 * np.pi / 3.) * self.rhos**2 ***3 * (1 - (1 + x)**-3)
def _rho(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to compute the mass at given radii """ x = r / return self.rhos * x**-1 * (1 + x)**-2
[docs]class EinastoProfile(DensityProfile): """ Einasto profile Einasto Trudy Inst. Astrofiz. Alma-Ata 5, 87 (1965) (Russian) [Eqn. 4] rho(r) = rhos*exp(-2*((r/rs)**alpha-1)/alpha) ==> """ _params = odict( list(DensityProfile._params.items()) + [ ('alpha', Parameter(default=0.17)), ]) @property def deriv_params(self): """Return the list of paramters we can take derivatives w.r.t. """ return ["rs", "rhos", "alpha"] def _mass(self, r): """Compute the mass out to given radii analytically """ x = r / gamma = spfn.gamma(3. / self.alpha) gammainc = spfn.gammainc(3. * self.alpha**-1, (2. * self.alpha**(-1) * x**self.alpha)) alphainv = self.alpha**-1 return 4 * np.pi * self.rhos ***3 * alphainv * \ np.exp(2. * alphainv) * \ np.power(2. * alphainv, -3. * alphainv) * \ gamma * gammainc def _rho(self, r): """Return the denisty at a given radius """ x = r / return self.rhos * np.exp(-2. * self.alpha**-1 * (x**(self.alpha) - 1))
[docs]class GNFWProfile(DensityProfile): """ Generalized NFW Profile Strigari et al. ApJ 678, 614 (2008) [Eqn. 3] rho(r) = rhos / ( (r/rs)**gamma * (1+r/rs)**(3-gamma)) """ _params = odict( list(DensityProfile._params.items()) + [ ('gamma', Parameter(default=1.)), ]) @property def deriv_params(self): """Return the list of paramters we can take derivatives w.r.t. """ return ["rs", "rhos", "gamma"] def _rho(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to return the density at given radii """ x = r / return self.rhos * x**(-self.gamma) * (1 + x)**(self.gamma - 3) def _mass(self, r): """Compute the mass out to given radii analytically """ raise NotImplementedError("No analytic function for mass of GNFWProfile")
[docs]class ZhouProfile(DensityProfile): """Generalized double power-law models Zhou MNRAS 278, 488 (1996) [Eqn. 1] rho(r) = C * (r/rs)**-gamma * (1 + (r/rs)**1/alpha))**-(beta-gamma)*alpha C = 4 * rhos also see... Zhou MNRAS 287, 525 (1997) [Eqn. 2] Strigari et al., Nature 454 (2008) [Eqn. 8] """ _params = odict( list(DensityProfile._params.items()) + [ ('alpha', Parameter(default=1.)), ('beta', Parameter(default=3.)), ('gamma', Parameter(default=1.)), ]) @property def deriv_params(self): """Return the list of paramters we can take derivatives w.r.t. """ return ["rs", "rhos", "alpha", "beta", "gamma"] def _rho(self, r): """Internal function for sub-class to return the density at given radii """ x = r / return self.rhos * x**-self.gamma * \ (1 + x**(1 / self.alpha))**(-(self.beta - self.gamma) * self.alpha) def _mass(self, r): """Compute the mass out to given radii analytically """ raise NotImplementedError("No analytic function for mass of ZhouProfile")
Uniform = UniformProfile Isothermal = IsothermalProfile Burkert = BurkertProfile NFW = NFWProfile Einasto = EinastoProfile gNFW = GNFWProfile Zhou = ZhouProfile def scale_list(l, scale_value): """Scale all the parameters on a list by the same value The operates on the list in place Parameters ---------- l : list scale_value : float Returns ------- l : list """ for i, v in enumerate(l): l[i] = v * scale_value return l def scale_dict(d, scale_value): """Scale all the parameters on in a dict by the same value The operates on the dictionary in place Parameters ---------- d : dict scale_value : float Returns ------- d : dict Dictionary with scaled values. """ for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, list): d[k] = scale_list(v, scale_value) else: d[k] = v * scale_value return d def scale_param(p, scale_value): """Generic function to scale parameters. Works for lists and dicts as well as simple paramters This operates in place. Parameters ---------- p : dict or list or `Parameter` scale_value : float Returns ------- p : dict or list or `Parameter` """ if isinstance(p, dict): return scale_dict(p, scale_value) elif isinstance(p, list): return scale_list(p, scale_value) return p * scale_value def scale_dict_param(d, k, scale_value, default_value): """Scale a parameter in a dict, or assign a default value Parameters ---------- d : dict Input dictrionary k : str Key of `Parameter` to modify scale_value : float Value to scale existing `Parameter` by default_value : float Value to assign if k is not in d """ try: d[k] = scale_param(d[k], scale_value) except KeyError: d[k] = scale_value * default_value def factory(ptype, **kwargs): """Factory method to build `DenityProfile` objects Keyword arguments are passed to class c'tor Parameters ---------- ptype : str Density profile type Returns ------- profile : `DensityProfile` Newly created object """ import dmsky.factory prof_copy = kwargs.copy() units = prof_copy.pop('units', None) if units: density, distance = units.rsplit('_', 1) scale_density = getattr(Units, density) scale_distance = getattr(Units, distance) scale_dict_param(prof_copy, 'rhos', scale_density, DensityProfile._params['rhos'].default) scale_dict_param(prof_copy, 'rs', scale_distance, DensityProfile._params['rs'].default) scale_dict_param(prof_copy, 'rmin', scale_distance, DensityProfile._params['rmin'].default) scale_dict_param(prof_copy, 'rmax', scale_distance, DensityProfile._params['rmax'].default) scale_dict_param(prof_copy, 'rhomax', scale_density, DensityProfile._params['rhomax'].default) return dmsky.factory.factory(ptype, module=__name__, **prof_copy)