Source code for dmsky.jcalc

#!/usr/bin/env python
Python module for computing the line-of-sight integral over a
spherically symmetric distribution.

__author__ = "Matthew Wood"
__date__ = "12/01/2011"

import numpy as np

from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline

from dmsky.utils.units import Units

[docs]class LoSFn(object): """Integrand function (luminosity density) for LoS integration. The parameter `alpha` introduces a change of variables: x' = x^(1/alpha). A value of alpha > 1 samples the integrand closer to x = 0 (distance of closest approach). The change of variables requires the substitution: dx = alpha * (x')^(alpha-1) dx' """ def __init__(self, dp, d, xi, alpha=3.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- dp : `DensityProfile` The density profile to integrate d : float Distance to the halo center xi: float Offset angle in radians. alpha: float Rescaling exponent for line-of-sight coordinate. """ self.dp = dp self.d2 = d**2 self.sinxi2 = np.sin(xi)**2 self.alpha = alpha def __call__(self, xp, alpha=None): """"Return the density along the Line-of-sight. Parameters ---------- xp : `numpy.array` Distance along the line of sight alpha : float Rescaling exponent for line-of-sight coordinate Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input xp """ if alpha is None: alpha = self.alpha x = xp**alpha r = np.sqrt(x**2 + self.d2 * self.sinxi2) try: if (x <= 0.).all(): raise ValueError("Tried to compute _rho at x=0") except AttributeError: if x <= 0.: raise ValueError("Tried to compute _rho at x=0") return self.func(r) * alpha * xp**(alpha - 1.0)
[docs] def func(self, r): """Function to compute the integrand """ return self.dp.rho(r)**2
[docs]class LoSAnnihilate(LoSFn): """Integrand function for LoS annihilation (J-factor)."""
[docs] def func(self, r): """Function to compute the line-of-sight integrand """ return self.dp.rho(r)**2
[docs]class LoSAnnihilate_Deriv(LoSFn): """Integrand function for LoS annihilation (J-factor).""" def __init__(self, dp, d, xi, paramNames, alpha=3.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- dp : `DensityProfile` The density profile to integrate d : float Distance to the halo center xi: float Offset angle in radians. paramNames : list Parameters to differentiate w.r.t. alpha: float Rescaling exponent for line-of-sight coordinate. """ super(LoSAnnihilate_Deriv, self).__init__(dp, d, xi, alpha) self.__paramNames = paramNames
[docs] def func(self, r): """Function to compute the line-of-sight integrand """ return 2. * self.dp.rho(r) * self.dp.rho_deriv(r, self.__paramNames)
[docs]class LoSDecay(LoSFn): """Integrand function for LoS decay (D-factor)."""
[docs] def func(self, r): """Function to compute the line-of-sight integrand """ return self.dp.rho(r)
[docs]class LoSDecay_Deriv(LoSFn): """Integrand function for LoS decay (D-factor).""" def __init__(self, dp, d, xi, paramNames, alpha=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- dp : `DensityProfile` The density profile to integrate d : float Distance to the halo center xi: float Offset angle in radians. paramNames : list Parameters to differentiate w.r.t. alpha: float Rescaling exponent for line-of-sight coordinate. """ super(LoSDecay_Deriv, self).__init__(dp, d, xi, alpha) self.__paramNames = paramNames
[docs] def func(self, r): """Function to compute the line-of-sight integrand """ return self.dp.rho(r) * self.dp.rho_deriv(r, self.__paramNames)
[docs]class LoSIntegral(object): """Slowest (and most accurate?) LoS integral. Uses scipy.integrate.quad with a change of variables to better sample the LoS close to the halo center. """ def __init__(self, density, dhalo, alpha=3.0, ann=True, derivPar=None): """C'tor Parameters ---------- density : `DensityProfile` The density profile to integrate dhalo : float Distance to the halo center alpha: float Rescaling exponent for line-of-sight coordinate. ann: bool True for annihilation, False for decay derivPar : list Parameters to differentiate w.r.t. """ self.dp = density self.dhalo = dhalo self.alpha = float(alpha) self.ann = ann self.derivPar = derivPar @property def rmax(self): """Return the maximum integration radius """ return self.dp.rmax @property def name(self): """Return the name of this profile """ return self.__class__.__name__ def _make_losfn(self, dhalo, psi): """Build a function that returns the line-of-sight integral Parameters ---------- dhalo : float Distance to the halo center psi : float Angular offsets from the halo center Returns ------- integrator : `LoSFn` Object that computes the line of sight integral """ if self.ann: if self.derivPar is None: losfn = LoSAnnihilate(self.dp, dhalo, psi, self.alpha) else: losfn = LoSAnnihilate_Deriv(self.dp, dhalo, psi, [self.derivPar], self.alpha) else: if self.derivPar is None: losfn = LoSDecay(self.dp, dhalo, psi, self.alpha) else: losfn = LoSDecay_Deriv(self.dp, dhalo, psi, [self.derivPar], self.alpha) return losfn def __call__(self, psi, dhalo=None, degrees=False): """Evaluate the LoS integral at the offset angle psi for a halo located at the distance dhalo. Parameters ---------- psi : `numpy.ndarray` Array of offset angles (in radians by default) dhalo : `numpy.ndarray` Array of halo distances degrees : bool Flag to interpret `psi` in degrees instead of radians Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input psi """ scalar = np.isscalar(psi) if degrees: psi = np.deg2rad(psi) psi = np.atleast_1d(psi) if dhalo is None: if self.dhalo is None: msg = "Halo distance must be specified" raise Exception(msg) dhalo = self.dhalo dhalo = np.atleast_1d(dhalo) if dhalo.size == 1: dhalo = dhalo * np.ones_like(psi) else: if dhalo.size != psi.size: msg = "Array sizes must match" raise ValueError(msg) v = self._integrate(psi, dhalo) if scalar: return v[0] return v def _integrate(self, psi, dhalo): """Evaluate the LoS integral at the offset angle psi for a halo located at the distance dhalo. Parameters ---------- psi : `numpy.ndarray` Array of offset angles (in radians by default) dhalo : `numpy.ndarray` Array of halo distances Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input psi """ # Arrays must be the same shape assert psi.shape == dhalo.shape # Output Array v = np.zeros_like(psi) # Closest approach to halo center rmin = dhalo * np.sin(psi) # Maximum extent of halo rmax = self.rmax for i, t in np.ndenumerate(psi): s0, s1 = 0, 0 losfn = self._make_losfn(dhalo[i], psi[i]) # Closest approach to halo center #rmin = dhalo[i]*np.sin(psi[i]) # If observer inside the halo... if rmax > dhalo[i]: if psi[i] < np.pi / 2.: x0 = np.power(dhalo[i] * np.cos(psi[i]), 1. / self.alpha) s0 = 2 * quad(losfn, 0.0, x0)[0] x1 = np.power(np.sqrt(rmax**2 - rmin[i]**2), 1. / self.alpha) s1 = quad(losfn, x0, x1)[0] else: x0 = np.power(np.abs(dhalo[i] * np.cos(psi[i])), 1. / self.alpha) x1 = np.power(np.sqrt(rmax**2 - rmin[i]**2), 1. / self.alpha) s1 = quad(losfn, x0, x1)[0] # If observer outside the halo... elif (rmax > rmin[i]) and (psi[i] < np.pi / 2.): x0 = np.power(np.sqrt(rmax**2 - rmin[i]**2), 1. / self.alpha) s0 = 2 * quad(losfn, 0.0, x0)[0] v[i] = s0 + s1 return v
[docs] def angularIntegral(self, angle=None): """Compute the solid-angle integrated j-value within a given radius Parameters ---------- angle : `numpy.ndarray` or None Maximum integration angle (in degrees) If None, use the 'rmax' and 'dhalo' parameters. Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input xp """ if angle is None: angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(self.rmax, self.dhalo)) angle = np.asarray(angle) if angle.ndim == 0: angle = np.array([angle]) integrand = lambda r: self(r) * 2 * np.pi * np.sin(r) integral = [] for a in angle: integral.append(quad(integrand, 1e-7, np.radians(a), full_output=True)[0]) integral = np.asarray(integral) return integral
[docs]class LoSIntegralFast(LoSIntegral): """Vectorized version of LoSIntegral that performs midpoint integration with a fixed number of steps. """ def __init__(self, density, dhalo, alpha=3.0, ann=True, nsteps=400, derivPar=None): """C'tor Parameters ---------- density : `DensityProfile` The density profile to integrate dhalo : float Distance to the halo center alpha: float Rescaling exponent for line-of-sight coordinate. ann: bool True for annihilation, False for decay nsteps : int Number of steps for derivPar : list Parameters to differentiate w.r.t. """ super(LoSIntegralFast, self).__init__(density, dhalo, alpha, ann, derivPar) self.nsteps = nsteps xedge = np.linspace(0, 1.0, self.nsteps + 1) self.x = 0.5 * (xedge[1:] + xedge[:-1]) @property def rmax(self): """Return the maximum integration radius """ if self.dp.rmax < np.inf: return self.dp.rmax return 1000 * def _integrate(self, psi, dhalo): """Internal function to do the LOS integral Parameters ---------- psi : `numpy.ndarray` Array of offset angles (in radians by default) dhalo : `numpy.ndarray` Array of halo distances Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input psi """ # Arrays must be the same shape assert psi.shape == dhalo.shape v = np.zeros(psi.shape + (1,)) dhalo = np.ones(v.shape) * dhalo[..., np.newaxis] psi = np.ones(v.shape) * psi[..., np.newaxis] # Closest approach to halo center rmin = dhalo * np.sin(psi) losfn = self._make_losfn(dhalo, psi) msk0 = self.rmax > dhalo msk1 = self.rmax > rmin # Distance between observer and point of closest approach xlim0 = np.abs(dhalo * np.cos(psi))**(1. / self.alpha) # Distance from point of closest approach to maximum # integration radius xlim1 = np.zeros(shape=psi.shape) xlim1[msk1] = np.sqrt(self.rmax**2 - rmin[msk1]**2)**(1. / self.alpha) # If observer inside the halo... if np.any(msk0): msk01 = msk0 & (psi < np.pi / 2.) msk02 = msk0 & ~(psi < np.pi / 2.) if np.any(msk01): dx0 = xlim0 / float(self.nsteps) dx1 = (xlim1 - xlim0) / float(self.nsteps) x0 = self.x * xlim0 x1 = xlim0 + self.x * (xlim1 - xlim0) s0 = 2 * np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, losfn(x0) * dx0, axes=[-1]) s1 = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, losfn(x1) * dx1, axes=[-1]) v[msk01] = s0[msk01] + s1[msk01] if np.any(msk02): dx1 = (xlim1 - xlim0) / float(self.nsteps) x1 = xlim0 + self.x * (xlim1 - xlim0) s0 = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, losfn(x1) * dx1, axes=[-1]) v[msk02] = s0[msk02] # Observer outside the halo... # Only calculate integral for psi < pi/2 msk11 = (~msk0 & msk1) & (psi < np.pi / 2.) if np.any(msk11): dx0 = xlim1 / float(self.nsteps) x0 = xlim1 * self.x s0 = 2 * np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, losfn(x0) * dx0, axes=[-1]) v[msk11] = s0[msk11] return v.reshape(v.shape[:-1])
[docs]class LoSIntegralInterp(LoSIntegralFast): """ Interpolate fast integral a for even faster look-up. """ def __init__(self, density, dhalo, alpha=3.0, ann=True, nsteps=400, derivPar=None): """C'tor Parameters ---------- density : `DensityProfile` The density profile to integrate dhalo : float Distance to the halo center alpha: float Rescaling exponent for line-of-sight coordinate. ann: bool True for annihilation, False for decay nsteps : int Number of steps for vectorization derivPar : list Parameters to differentiate w.r.t. """ super(LoSIntegralInterp, self).__init__(density, dhalo, alpha, ann, nsteps, derivPar) try: if (self.dhalo <= 0).any(): raise ValueError("dhalo == 0") except AttributeError: if self.dhalo <= 0: raise ValueError("dhalo == 0") self.func = self.create_func(self.dhalo)
[docs] def create_profile(self, dhalo, nsteps=None): """Create a spatial J-factor profile Parameters ---------- dhalo : `numpy.ndarray` Array of halo distances nsteps : int Number of steps for vectorization Returns ------- dhalo, psi : `numpy.meshgrid` Array of halo distances and angular offsets jval : `numpy.array` Corresponding J-factors """ if not nsteps: nsteps = self.nsteps dhalo = np.unique(np.atleast_1d(dhalo)) if (dhalo <= 0.).any(): raise ValueError("Halo distance == 0") psi = np.logspace(np.log10(1e-7), np.log10(np.pi), nsteps) _dhalo, _psi = np.meshgrid(dhalo, psi) _jval = super(LoSIntegralInterp, self)._integrate(_psi, _dhalo) mask = np.isfinite(_jval) * (_jval > 0.) if mask.sum() < 4: raise ValueError('Failed to compute grid for density values. Is profile well defined') return np.log10([_dhalo, _psi, _jval])
[docs] def create_func(self, dhalo): """Create the spline function Parameters ---------- dhalo : `numpy.ndarray` Array of halo distances Returns ------- func : function A function that return J-factor as a function of psi and dhalo """ log_dhalo, log_psi, log_jval = self.create_profile(dhalo) zeroval = -99 log_jval[np.where(log_jval == -np.inf)] = zeroval if log_dhalo.shape[-1] == 1: # print('interp1d') # spline=UnivariateSpline(log_psi.flat,log_jval.flat,k=2,s=0) #fn = lambda psi: 10**(spline(np.log10(psi))) interp = interp1d(log_psi.flat, log_jval.flat, kind='linear') def fn(psi, dhalo): """Function to compute the J-factor """ log_jval = interp(np.log10(psi)) log_jval[np.where(log_jval < zeroval + 1)] = -np.inf return 10**log_jval else: # print('interp2d') #spline = bisplrep(log_psi,log_dhalo,log_jval,s=0.0,kx=2,ky=2) #fn = lambda psi,dhalo: 10**bisplev(np.log10(psi[:,0]),np.log10(dhalo[0,:]),spline) interp = interp2d(log_psi, log_dhalo, log_jval, kind='linear') def fn(psi, dhalo): """Function to compute the J-factor """ log_jval = interp(np.log10(psi[:, 0]), np.log10(dhalo[0, :])).T log_jval[np.where(log_jval < zeroval + 1)] = -np.inf return 10**log_jval return fn
def _integrate(self, psi, dhalo): """Internal function to the the LOS integral Parameters ---------- psi : `numpy.ndarray` Array of offset angles (in radians by default) dhalo : `numpy.ndarray` Array of halo distances Returns ------- values : `numpy.array` Return values, same shape as the input psi """ # Arrays must be the same shape if psi.shape != dhalo.shape: msg = "Shape of psi and dhalo must match" raise ValueError(msg) if psi.ndim > 1 and not (np.unique(psi) == psi[:, 0]).all(): msg = "np.unique(psi) != psi[:,0]" raise ValueError(msg) if dhalo.ndim > 1 and not (np.unique(dhalo) == dhalo[0, :]).all(): msg = "np.unique(dhalo) != dhalo[0,:]" raise ValueError(msg) # All halo distances within pre-existing interpolation range if ((np.max(self.dhalo) >= dhalo) & (np.min(self.dhalo) <= dhalo)).all(): func = self.func else: func = self.create_func(dhalo) v = func(psi, dhalo) if v.shape != psi.shape: msg = "Input and output shape do not match" raise ValueError(msg) return v
[docs]class LoSIntegralFile(LoSIntegralInterp): """Interpolate over a pre-generated file. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET """ def __init__(self, dp, dist, filename, ann=True): """C'tor Parameters ---------- dp : `DensityProfile` The density profile to integrate dist : float Distance to the halo center filename: str File with tabulated results ann: bool True for annihilation, False for decay """ super(LoSIntegralFile, self).__init__(dp, dist, ann=ann) self.filename = filename
[docs] def create_profile(self, dhalo, nsteps=300): """Build the profile values""" log_psi, log_jval = np.loadtxt(self.filename, unpack=True) return self.dhalo, log_psi, log_jval
[docs]class ROIIntegrator(object): """Class to integrate a J-factor over a region of interest """ def __init__(self, jspline, lat_cut, lon_cut, source_list=None): """ C'tor """ self._jspline = jspline self._lat_cut = lat_cut self._lon_cut = lon_cut nbin_thetagc = 720 thetagc_max = 180. self._phi_edges = np.linspace(0., 360., 720 + 1) self._theta_edges = np.linspace(0., thetagc_max, nbin_thetagc + 1) self._sources = None if not source_list is None: source_list = np.loadtxt(opts.source_list, unpack=True, usecols=(1, 2)) self._sources = Vector3D.createLatLon(np.radians(source_list[0]), np.radians(source_list[1])) self.compute()
[docs] def compute(self): """Integrate the ROI """ yaxis = Vector3D(np.pi / 2. * np.array([0., 1., 0.])) costh_edges = np.cos(np.radians(self._theta_edges)) costh_width = costh_edges[:-1] - costh_edges[1:] phi = 0.5 * (self._phi_edges[:-1] + self._phi_edges[1:]) self._theta = 0.5 * (self._theta_edges[:-1] + self._theta_edges[1:]) self._jv = [] self._domega = [] for i0, th in enumerate(self._theta): jtot = integrate(lambda t: self._jspline(8.5 * Units.kpc, t) * np.sin(t), np.radians(self._theta_edges[i0]), np.radians(self._theta_edges[i0 + 1]), 100) # jval = jspline(np.radians(th))*costh_width[i0] v = Vector3D.createThetaPhi(np.radians(th), np.radians(phi)) v.rotate(yaxis) lat = np.degrees( lon = np.degrees(v.phi()) src_msk = len(lat) * [True] if not self._sources is None: for k in range(len( p = Vector3D(v._x[:, k]) sep = np.degrees(p.separation(self._sources)) imin = np.argmin(sep) minsep = sep[imin] if minsep < 0.62: src_msk[k] = False msk = ((np.abs(lat) >= self._lat_cut) | ((np.abs(lat) <= self._lat_cut) & (np.abs(lon) < self._lon_cut))) msk &= src_msk dphi = 2. * np.pi * float(len(lat[msk])) / float(len(phi)) jtot *= dphi # jsum += jtot # domegasum += costh_width[i0]*dphi self._jv.append(jtot) self._domega.append(costh_width[i0] * dphi) self._jv = np.array(self._jv) self._jv_cum = np.cumsum(self._jv) self._jv_cum_spline = UnivariateSpline(self._theta_edges[1:], self._jv_cum, s=0, k=1) self._domega = np.array(self._domega) self._domega_cum = np.cumsum(self._domega)
[docs] def eval(self, rgc, decay=False): """Evaluate the J-factor """ if decay: units0 = Units.gev_cm2 units1 = (8.5 * Units.kpc * 0.4 * Units.gev_cm3) else: units0 = Units.gev2_cm5 units1 = (8.5 * Units.kpc * np.power(0.4 * Units.gev_cm3, 2)) rgc = [float(t) for t in rgc.split('/')] if len(rgc) == 1: jv = self._jv_cum_spline(rgc[0]) domega = np.cos(np.radians(rgc[0])) * 2 * np.pi / Units.deg2 else: jv = self._jv_cum_spline(rgc[1]) - self._jv_cum_spline(rgc[0]) domega = -(np.cos(np.radians(rgc[1])) - np.cos(np.radians(rgc[0]))) * 2 * np.pi / Units.deg2 print('%20.6g %20.6g %20.6g %20.6g' % (jv, jv / units0, jv / units1, domega))
[docs] def print_profile(self, decay=False): """Print the profile """ if decay: units0 = Units.gev_cm2 units1 = (8.5 * Units.kpc * 0.4 * Units.gev_cm3) else: units0 = Units.gev2_cm5 units1 = (8.5 * Units.kpc * np.power(0.4 * Units.gev_cm3, 2)) for i, th in enumerate(self._theta_edges[1:]): jv = self._jv_cum[i] print('%10.2f %20.6g %20.6g %20.6g %20.6g' % (th, jv, jv / units0, jv / units1, self._domega_cum[i]))