Source code for dmsky.priors

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Classes to manage priors
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import quad

from dmsky.utils import stat_funcs
from dmsky.utils import tools

from dmsky.library import FileLibrary

global filelib
filelib = FileLibrary()

[docs]class PriorFunctor(object): """A functor class that wraps simple functions we use to make priors on parameters. """ def __init__(self, funcname, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- funcname : str Name for this function, used for bookeeping scale : float Scale factor applied to input values. """ self._funcname = funcname self._scale = scale def __call__(self, x): """Return the Prior value Parameters ---------- x :`numpy.ndarray` Input values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Output values, same shape as x """ raise NotImplementedError("PriorFunctor.__call__")
[docs] def log_value(self, x): """Return the log of the function value Parameters ---------- x :`numpy.ndarray` Input values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Output values, same shape as x """ return np.log(self.__call__(self._scale*x))
[docs] def normalization(self): """Normalization, i.e. the integral of the function over the normalization_range. """ norm_r = self._normalization_range() return quad(self, norm_r[0]*self.scale, norm_r[1]*self.scale)[0]
def _normalization_range(self): """Normalization range. """ return 0, np.inf
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean value of the function. """ raise NotImplementedError("prior_functor.mean")
[docs] def sigma(self): """The 'width' of the function. What this means depend on the function being used. """ raise NotImplementedError("prior_functor.sigma")
@property def funcname(self): """A string identifying the function. """ return self._funcname @property def scale(self): """The scale factor applied to input values """ return self._scale
[docs] def marginalization_bins(self): """Binning to use to do the marginalization integrals Default is to marginalize over two decades, centered on mean, using 1000 bins """ log_mean = np.log10(self.mean()) return np.logspace(-1. + log_mean, 1. + log_mean, 1001)/self._scale
[docs] def profile_bins(self): """The binning to use to do the profile fitting Default is to profile over +-5 sigma, Centered on mean, using 100 bins """ log_mean = np.log10(self.mean()) log_half_width = max(5. * self.sigma(), 3.) return np.logspace(log_mean - log_half_width, log_mean + log_half_width, 101)/self._scale
[docs]class FunctionPrior(PriorFunctor): """Implementation of a prior that simply wraps an existing function """ def __init__(self, funcname, mu, sigma, fn, lnfn=None, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- funcname : str Name for this function, used for bookeeping mu : float Central value of the Prior, used to get scan ranges sigma : float Width of the Prior, used to get scan ranges fn : function Function that returns the Prior value lnfn : function or None Optional function that returns the log of the Prior value scale : float Scale factor applied to input values. """ # FIXME, why doesn't super(FunctionPrior, self) work here? PriorFunctor.__init__(self, funcname, scale) self._mu = mu self._sigma = sigma self._fn = fn self._lnfn = lnfn
[docs] def normalization(self): """The normalization i.e., the intergral of the function over the normalization_range """ norm_r = self._normalization_range() return quad(self, norm_r[0]*self.scale, norm_r[1]*self.scale)[0]
[docs] def mean(self): """Return the mean value of the function. """ return self._mu
[docs] def sigma(self): """Return the 'width' of the function. What this means depend on the function being used. """ return self._sigma
[docs] def log_value(self, x): """"Return the log of the function value Parameters ---------- x :`numpy.ndarray` Input values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Output values, same shape as x """ if self._lnfn is None: return np.log(self._fn(x*self.scale, self._mu, self._sigma)) return self._lnfn(x*self.scale, self._mu, self._sigma)
def __call__(self, x): """Return the Prior value Parameters ---------- x :`numpy.ndarray` Input values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Output values, same shape as x """ return self._fn(x*self.scale, self._mu, self._sigma)
[docs]class GaussPrior(FunctionPrior): """Implemenation of a Prior that wraps a Gaussian """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- mu : float Central value of the Gaussian sigma : float Sigma of the Gaussian scale : float Scale factor applied to input values. """ super(GaussPrior, self).__init__("gauss", mu, sigma, fn=stat_funcs.gauss, lnfn=stat_funcs.lngauss, scale=scale)
[docs]class LGaussPrior(FunctionPrior): """Implemenation of a Prior that wraps a log Gaussian """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- mu : float Central value of the log Gaussian sigma : float Sigma of the Gaussian """ super(LGaussPrior, self).__init__("lgauss", mu, sigma, fn=stat_funcs.lgauss, lnfn=stat_funcs.lnlgauss, scale=scale)
[docs]class LGaussLikePrior(FunctionPrior): """Implemenation of a Prior that wraps the inverse of the log of a Gaussian (i.e., x and y axes are swapped) """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- mu : float Central value of the underlying Gaussian sigma : float Sigma of the underlying Gaussian scale : float Scale factor applied to input values. """ def fn(x, y, s): """Swap the axes of the lgauss function""" return stat_funcs.lgauss(y, x, s) def lnfn(x, y, s): """Swap the axes of the lnlgauss function""" return stat_funcs.lnlgauss(y, x, s) super(LGaussLikePrior, self).__init__("lgauss_like", mu, sigma, fn=fn, lnfn=lnfn, scale=scale)
[docs]class LGaussLogPrior(FunctionPrior): """Implemenation of a Prior that wraps the inverse of the log of a Gaussian (i.e., x and y axes are swapped) The prior is implemented in log-space. """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- mu : float Central value of the underlying Gaussian sigma : float Sigma of the underlying Gaussian scale : float Scale factor applied to input values. """ def fn(x, y, s): """Take the lgauss function and work in log space""" return stat_funcs.lgauss(x, y, s, logpdf=True) def lnfn(x, y, s): """Take the nlgauss function and work in log space""" return stat_funcs.lnlgauss(x, y, s, logpdf=True) super(LGaussLogPrior, self).__init__("lgauss_log", mu, sigma, fn=fn, lnfn=lnfn, scale=scale)
[docs]class LognormPrior(PriorFunctor): """ A wrapper around the lognormal function. A note on the highly confusing scipy.stats.lognorm function... The three inputs to this function are: s : This is the variance of the underlying gaussian distribution scale = 1.0 : This is the mean of the linear-space lognormal distribution. The mean of the underlying normal distribution occurs at ln(scale) loc = 0 : This linearly shifts the distribution in x (DO NOT USE) The convention is different for numpy.random.lognormal mean : This is the mean of the underlying normal distribution (so mean = log(scale)) sigma : This is the standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution (so sigma = s) For random sampling: numpy.random.lognormal(mean, sigma, size) mean : This is the mean of the underlying normal distribution (so mean = exp(scale)) sigma : This is the standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution (so sigma = s) scipy.stats.lognorm.rvs(s, scale, loc, size) s : This is the standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution scale : This is the mean of the generated random sample scale = exp(mean) Remember, pdf in log space is plot( log(x), stats.lognorm(sigma,scale=exp(mean)).pdf(x)*x ) Parameters ---------- mu : float Mean value of the function sigma : float Variance of the underlying gaussian distribution """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- mu : float Mean value of the function sigma : float Variance of the underlying gaussian distribution scale : float Scale factor applied to input values. """ super(LognormPrior, self).__init__('lognorm') self._mu = mu self._sigma = sigma
[docs] def normalization(self): """Normalization, i.e. the integral of the function over the normalization_range. """ return 1.
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean value of the function. """ return self._mu
[docs] def sigma(self): """ The 'width' of the function. What this means depend on the function being used. """ return self._sigma
def __call__(self, x): """Return the Prior value Parameters ---------- x :`numpy.ndarray` Input values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Output values, same shape as x """ return stats.lognorm(self._sigma, scale=self._mu).pdf(x*self.scale)
class NormPrior(PriorFunctor): """ A wrapper around the normal function. Parameters ---------- mu : float Mean value of the function sigma : float Variance of the underlying gaussian distribution """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- mu : float Mean value of the function sigma : float Variance of the underlying gaussian distribution scale : float Scale factor applied to input values. """ super(NormPrior, self).__init__('norm', scale) self._mu = mu self._sigma = sigma def normalization(self): """Normalization, i.e. the integral of the function over the normalization_range. """ return 1. def mean(self): """Mean value of the function. """ return self._mu def sigma(self): """ The 'width' of the function. What this means depend on the function being used. """ return self._sigma def __call__(self, x): """Return the Prior value Parameters ---------- x :`numpy.ndarray` Input values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Output values, same shape as x """ return stats.norm(loc=self._mu, scale=self._sigma).pdf(x*self.scale)
[docs]class FileFuncPrior(PriorFunctor): """A wrapper around the interpolated function. Parameters ---------- filename : string File with the function parameters """ def __init__(self, filename, scale=1.0): """C'tor Parameters ---------- filename : string File with the function parameters """ super(FileFuncPrior, self).__init__('file') self._filename = filename self._fullpath = filelib.get_filepath(filename) if self._fullpath is None: raise ValueError("Could not find file %s in path %s " % (filename, filelib.paths)) d = tools.yaml_load(self._fullpath) self._mu = d['mean'] self._sigma = d['sigma'] self._x = d['x'] self._y = d['y'] self._kind = d.get('kind', 'linear') self._fill_value = d.get('fill_value', 0) self._interpfunc = interp1d(self._x, self._y, kind=self._kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value=self._fill_value)
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean value of the function. """ return self._mu
[docs] def sigma(self): """ The 'width' of the function. What this means depend on the function being used. """ return self._sigma
def __call__(self, x): """Return the Prior value Parameters ---------- x :`numpy.ndarray` Input values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Output values, same shape as x """ return self._interpfunc(x*self.scale)
def create_prior_functor(d): """Build a prior from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- d : A dictionary, it must contain: d['functype'] : a recognized function type and all of the required parameters for the prior_functor of the desired type Returns ---------- A sub-class of '~fermipy.stats_utils.prior_functor' Recognized types are: 'lognorm' : Scipy lognormal distribution 'norm' : Scipy normal distribution 'gauss' : Gaussian truncated at zero 'lgauss' : Gaussian in log-space 'lgauss_like' : Gaussian in log-space, with arguments reversed. 'lgauss_logpdf' : ??? """ functype = d.get('functype', 'lgauss_like') mu = d['mu'] sigma = d['sigma'] scale = d.get('scale', 1.0) if functype == 'norm': return NormPrior(mu, sigma, scale) elif functype == 'lognorm': return LognormPrior(mu, sigma, scale) elif functype == 'gauss': return GaussPrior(mu, sigma, scale) elif functype == 'lgauss': return LGaussPrior(mu, sigma, scale) elif functype in ['lgauss_like', 'lgauss_lik']: return LGaussLikePrior(mu, sigma, scale) elif functype == 'lgauss_log': return LGaussLogPrior(mu, sigma, scale) elif functype == 'interp': return FileFuncPrior(d['filename'], scale) else: raise KeyError("Unrecognized prior_functor type %s" % functype) def factory(ptype, **kwargs): """Factor method to create Priors Keyword arguments are passed to class c'tor Parameters ---------- ptype : str Prior type Returns ------- prior : `PriorFunctor` Newly created object """ import dmsky.factory prior_copy = kwargs.copy() return dmsky.factory.factory(ptype, module=__name__, **prior_copy)